Our Reviews Verification System Keeps Detailed Records Of Your Customer Reviews Submitted!

The first step in building your reviews and increasing star ratings is to collect reviews from your best customers. Proactively collecting reviews from your customers is one of the most effective ways to increase profits for your business.

The Digi@local platform provides businesses with the tools they need to collect reviews easily, quickly and consistently.
Digi@local has developed various tools to facilitate the review collection process. Choose the tool that will work with how your business interacts with your customers.

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Review Collection Tools: Our EASY TO USE Tools Help You Build TRUST for your business!

Request Reviews By Email

Digi@local takes your Digi@local reviews and distributes them to the top review sites on the internet. Digi@local uses a proprietary process to naturally build your reviews and increase your star ratings for your business.

Reviews Kiosks & Displays

customize one of our templates or design your own. Upload load your email list and you are on your way to collecting reviews. Emails direct your customers via a link to your Digi@local Review Request Form.

Facebook & Twitter Apps

Install the Digi@local app on your Facebook Fan Page and start displaying your reviews and collecting review from people who already support your business. Your Digi@local Request Form is integrated right into your Fan Page.

Schedule Facebook Posts

Place the Digi@local icon on your website for customers to connect to your Digi@local Review Request Form.

The Customers can write reviews, record a video testimonial and even write a complaint from your Review Request Form. Managing your customer's complaints is just as important as collecting positive reviews. By giving them the ability to let their complaint to be heard, you can keep them from going to a review site and telling the world about their negative experience.

Once a customer writes a review, records a video testimonial or writes a complaint, they must agree to the terms of the Digi@local Digital Affidavit. The affidavit lets us know that they are a real customer, purchased a product or service from your company and allows Digi@local to distribute their review anywhere.