Your Customer Reviews are Delivered To Your Facebook Fan Page

Social networks are quickly becoming a must-have for businesses to build trust and relationships with both customers and other businesses. Digi@local makes it easy for your customers and potential customers to read your reviews on Facebook and Twitter.

Simply install the Digi@local Facebook App on your Business Fan Page and your reviews are automatically fed into your page. Digi@local will also Tweet your reviews directly to your Twitter account so all your followers can read your rave reviews.

52% of potential customers visit more than two websites before visiting a local business. The two most popular sites are Facebook and Google.

Digi@local Facebook App Features

  • Digi@local App icon installed on your fan page so reviews can easily be found
  • Digi@local logo appears in App section of your Business Fan Page
  • Your reviews feed shows all of your reviews and video testimonials in one convenient location
  • Your Fans can submit reviews from your Facebook Fan Page
  • Your Fans can submit video testimonials from your Face Book Fan Page

Twitter - simply enter your Twitter account details in your Digi@local Reviews will be automatically fed to your Twitter account so that your followers can see what fellow customers are saying and keeping you top of mind. Social Media still scares many businesses both large and small. But hiding from social media isn't the answer. The real answer lies in embracing it!

Some Quick Facts:

  • 58% of companies are currently engaged in social networks
  • 69% of companies say that their use of Social Media will grow in the next few of years
  • 2% of businesses feel that they are using Social Media effectively
  • 50% of businesses use Social Media to increase awareness their products or brand

Digi@local will help you amplify your successes and make sure everyone knows about them. Digi@local uses your reviews strategically for proactive reputation management through Social Media.